Posted by "Alvin"

I fell in love with a girl when I first saw her.
At first, we called each other 'Pardz' coz we were just in mutual understnding.
I really like her because of her good character that I know from myself, I can't find a girl like her anymore.
She was so kind to me and she spend much of her time with me.
She waits for me during our breaktime so we can eat together.
She always go to our classroom after her class.
She teaches me whenever I have my exams.
She takes care of me when I am sick.
I used to thrifts my money just to bring her safe in there house.
Because of these, I fell inlove with her and she became my inspiration..

Suddenly, her good characters changed when she and I became boyfriend and girlfriend.
Now, it seems that I am the one who show my love to her.
She can now lie to me and get angry easily.
She said that she is not afraid to lose me anymore because she can't concentrate with her studies and she is able to get low grades.
I got hurt when she said these things.
I always give her advice to study hard so that she can finish her studies and her parents would be proud of her.
But she did not appreciate me at all.

If she really love me, she will follow all my advices especially if it is for her own sake.
All I want for her is that she became successful in her studies.
But now, she is just thinking of herself and do whatever she wanted to do.
I get hurt of it but sometimes she didn't care.

Now, I already know that girls are just good at first.